What’s a Wealth Driven Mindset? A Look Behind the Financial Coaching Name


What is a wealth driven mindset? We selected each word with intention and thought it would be fun to share with our audience the name through the lens in which we view it. Thank you for being here. We are excited to have you join us.


Wealth should not to be confused with money alone. Wealth can be viewed as what we have when our time on this earth is over. What did we experience? What memories did we create? What relationships did we nurture? What was the impact that we left behind?

The reality is that money can help with several of these questions. Money can provide the means to reduce stress and provide more to those we love and choose to support.

Do not be fooled however, as many have money without wealth and others might have wealth without money.


Hard-working; ambitious; relentlessly compelled to accomplish a goal. (Thank you Mr. Webster). Nothing in life is achieved without hard work. You must set goals. Have discipline. Be comfortable with making mistakes and even failing. You will get distracted, and you must refocus on all that is important to you.

Achievement is not receiving a handout. Achievement comes from having the discipline to reach a goal when society gets in the way and encourages against it. Being driven is staying on the course knowing that the victory will be worth all of your hard work.


Your state of mind and attitude toward a given situation, task at-hand, and more importantly—your attitude toward your ability to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. Tell yourself you can’t do it, you won’t. Tell yourself you can, you will find a way.

Study the world’s top athletes and business owners, you will find a healthy mindset woven throughout their makeup. Read Napolean Hill’s best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, you will learn that mindset trumps most everything else.

Bringing It All Together

We chose to title our business and website Wealth Driven Mindset because we want to empower others to live the lives they wish to live. We want our clients to sleep well at night knowing that they have worked hard and planned accordingly. We want neighbors to be in position to give back to the community. We want everyone to find enjoyment in the life that they’re proud to have built. We want you to know that it’s all possible with hard work, discipline and the proper mindset.

Cheers to earning, saving, giving and enjoying all we can!

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